Sleep calculator

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Determine how much sleep you need

Determine how much sleep you need

Sleep Calculator is a useful service that can determine the best time to fall asleep and wake up. An adult is recommended to sleep from 8 to 10 hours a day, but morning vigor depends not only on the duration of a night's sleep.

Sleep structure

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, which is a compelling argument in favor of a responsible attitude to sleep problems. As a result of numerous and in-depth studies, somnologists, neurologists, anthropologists and scientists of other specialties managed to establish an unambiguous connection between good sleep, well-being and the state of human health. It is known for sure that sleep consists of two alternating phases - REM sleep lasts about 10–20 minutes, slow sleep approximately 1.5–2 hours.

  • NREM sleep comes first. This phase is characterized by even breathing and relaxation of the body. The sleeper's blood pressure drops, slow movements and fading of the eyeballs are noticeable under the eyelids. This is a period of rest and recuperation.
  • During REM sleep, a reconciliation of all body systems occurs, at which time a person usually changes body position and may even mutter. The body temperature and pressure rise, the heartbeat accelerates. Eye movements become fast. In this phase, we dream.

How much sleep you need

Over the course of a lifetime, the need for sleep changes. So, babies sleep until 17-18 hours, children and adolescents - up to 10-11 hours, the norm for most adults is 7-8 hours of night rest. There may be significant deviations within each age group, associated with personal characteristics and the needs of the body. The simplest and most reliable indicator of the quality of sleep is well-being.

A well-sleep healthy person:

  • Feels rested.
  • Does not feel sleepy during the day.
  • May keep you awake without coffee or other energy drinks.

A sleepy person is sullen, irritable and distracted, he has a pale face with dark circles under his eyes and lowered corners of his lips. Systematic lack of sleep can cause depression and unmotivated anxiety.

Interesting facts

  • Popular information about prominent personalities with little sleep is not always true. For example, Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein) slept 10-12 hours a day, Leo Tolstoy and Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin) were not original and needed eight hours of sleep. Freud (Sigismund Freud), Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) and Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Hilda Thatcher) had 5-6 hours to rest, and Napoleon (Napoléon Bonaparte) slept for four hours.
  • The inventor of the mechanical alarm clock, Levi Hutchins, made the world happy in 1787. His brainchild called at the same time - 4 o'clock in the morning.

The phases of slow-wave and REM sleep are repeated, we live 5-6 cycles per night. It turns out that the secret of morning vigor is not in a long sleep, but in a timely awakening. During REM sleep, the brain is active. To make the morning good, you need to open your eyes at this stage. People who wake up not from the sound of an alarm clock, but "of good will", as a rule, feel well rested.

If you get a wake-up call or a ringtone, use the calculator to calculate your REM sleep time. You may not be able to change the time of the rise, but you can go to bed on time.

What time should I go to bed?

What time should I go to bed?

Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. While we sleep, the body is recovering, tissue regeneration occurs, and important hormones are produced. In addition, the memory is cleared of unnecessary information, systematizes the necessary data and forwards them to the category of long-term memories.

The episodic lack of sleep can be compensated, but systematic lack of sleep leads to a weakening of memory and attention, a deterioration in coordination of movements and orientation, a decrease in the speed of reactions, and other negative consequences. It has been proven that chronic lack of sleep significantly weakens the immune system, and can also provoke the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, pancreas and other organs.

How the sleep calculator works

The service will calculate the sleep time taking into account the period of falling asleep (about 15 minutes).

At the stage of non-REM sleep, falling into sleep occurs. The person loses touch with reality. At this time, muscles relax, hormones are produced, tissue damage heals, and the body stores energy. Slow-wave sleep lasts no more than 20 minutes. In this phase, the brain is active - we dream.

It takes five (7.5 hours) or six (9 hours) complete sleep cycles to wake up easily and feel good. It is important not only to sleep long enough, but also to wake up at the end of the cycle, and not in the middle of it. The calculator will help you determine when you should go to bed (or wake up) to make the most of your night's rest.